A to Z Forms Index
A - F
- Accrual Use Option (Workers' Compensation)
- Application for Faculty Children's Scholarship
- Certification of Employee Health Care Provider (FMLA)
- Certification of Family Health Care Provider (FMLA)
- Employee Applicant Referral (EARP) Form
- Employee Child Application - Lab School
- Enroll in the University of Chicago Retirement Plan(s)
G - L
M - R
- Mandated Reporter Status Form (ILDCFS)
- Maroon Plan Claim Form
- MetLife Dental Copay Plan Claim Form
- MetLife Dental PPO Plan Claim Form
- New Hire Paperwork Process
- New Hire Checklist for HR
- Release of Medical Information (Workers' Compensation)
- Request for Treatment Form 100 (Workers' Compensation)
- Retiree Medical Claim Form
S - Z
- Staff Child Application - The College
- Staff Tuition Assistance Application at the University of Chicago
- Staff Tuition Assistance Application Outside of the University of Chicago
- Statement of Termination of Domestic Partnership Form
- Supervisor's First Report - Workers' Compensation Claim of Injury/Illness
- Temporary Seasonal Shutdown Stipend TSSS Form
- VESSA Leave Request Form
- W-4 Federal Employee's Withholding Form for Nonresidents for Tax
- W-4 Illinois Employee's Withholding Form
- WH 384 Certification for Qualifying Exigency (Military FMLA)
- WH 385 Certification for Servicemember Injury or Illness (Military FMLA)
- Work Study
- Workers' Compensation - Employee Statement of Injury/Illness
- Workers' Compensation Rights and Responsibilities