Policies & Contracts

504 - Jury Duty

Subject: Jury Duty

Section: U504

Date: July, 2018


To permit staff employees to meet their civic obligations to serve as jurors when called.

Who is governed by this policy:

This policy applies to all benefits eligible staff employees.


The University will grant time off to staff employees who are called for jury duty.

1. The employee is responsible for notifying their supervisor immediately after receiving a summons to appear for jury duty. A copy of the notice should be given to the supervisor for the department's files.

2. If the jury does not convene on the employee's regularly scheduled workday, the employee is expected to report to work.

3. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring the absence is entered on the appropriate time off calendar. This absence does not count as hours worked when computing overtime.

4. A staff employee may keep the court's compensation and reimbursements for travel expenses.

Employees represented by a union may be governed by the appropriate bargaining unit agreement.

Roles and responsibilities:

Governed Party Roles and Responsibilities
Employee The Employee is responsible for following the Supervisor’s time off request procedures. 
Supervisor The Supervisor is responsible for setting time off request procedures, ensuring they are followed, verifying the use of time off is appropriate including collecting the jury duty notice, and entering or approving jury duty use in the time off calendar. 

Related Information:

Policy U222 Compensable Time, Record-Keeping and Tracking Absences

Key Contacts:

Name Email Extension
Center of Expertise – Employee & Labor Relations elrelations@uchicago.edu 4-7345